Extra Help at school or college
Extra Help at school or college
If you are finding things difficult at school, make sure you talk to a trusted adult – your parents / carers or your teachers.
Whether you have an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) or not, the school has a duty to make sure you are getting the support you need.
SEN Support
Special educational needs support is the support that children and young people who have special educational needs can get in school or college.
Every school should be making reasonable adjustments, that means putting different kinds of support in place to help you access education

Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP)
This is the document given to children and young people with special educational needs in school who need additional support to access learning or education. It outlines the individualised support you will be provided to help in the areas of education, health, and social care.
Who to contact about extra help and support:
At primary and secondary school, this is called the Special Education Needs Co-Ordinator, sometimes called the SENCO.
At college, this might be called the Inclusion Team or Heald of Additional Learning Support.
You can also contact us for help through our advice line.